Tag Archives: Match box

Matchbox Pinhole Camera

While you can spend hundreds even thousands of pounds on camera equipment, you can be just as creative and have just as much fun, if not more, with the more primitive options for image making.
A matchbox pinhole camera is a great way to do this. While you can have great fun taking pictures with a pinhole camera, the fun really begins when you start to build it.

To build your own matchbox pinhole camera check out this link for items needed and instructions: Matchbox Pinhole

I made mine over three years ago now and have put many rolls of film through it.

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The beauty of the matchbox pinhole is that you can get a fantastic wide angle of view. This is due to the short distance between the pinhole and the film plane. Placing your pinhole camera very close to an object can give you great distortion because of this wide angle.

Below are a few examples of my own.

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As you will have probably noticed these little cameras can be prone to light leaks, but to me this just adds to the creativity. When printing you can also choose whether you crop out the edge of the masking frame or leave it on for an interesting border effect.

Examples of others work:
Street Photography
Example 2